by Robin Dicks | Mar 24, 2020 | Robin's Blog
It feels right to talk about something more “normal” for the moment. We did an interesting project a few months ago for a firm which was keen to understand the truth about how its capability was perceived vs. competitors, and indeed if it could...
by Robin Dicks | Mar 13, 2020 | Robin's Blog
Thriving recently undertook a thought leadership programme for a major law firm. We found that some of the characteristics of the successful in-house legal team of the future included flexibility, clear goals, leadership and values, effective stakeholder and board...
by Robin Dicks | Jul 5, 2017 | Robin's Blog
A recent analysis conducted by Lexis Nexis and Cambridge University’s Judge Business School made for somewhat disturbing reading. The results suggest that even across the biggest clients of firms, key contacts believe their relationship partners and firms...
by Robin Dicks | Sep 16, 2016 | Robin's Blog
Brexit means uncertainty. Should leaders, marketers and other heads try and ignore it, in the hope that it will go away? Should they plan on the basis of an outcome they hope will happen? Or should they give in to the uncertainty and not plan at all? Should they...
by Robin Dicks | Jul 27, 2016 | Robin's Blog
It’s felt like a good time over the last couple of weeks to rethink about strategies and talk to clients about “what next?” In this I’ve been reminded of a useful tool which was developed by Dr Tony Grundy. It’s very helpful as a means of...